Being vs Becoming

In today’s fast moving world we are consistently bombarded with what’s possible in life.  Our social media accounts continue to allow us access to the people and companies we want to “follow” and be more like.  We are more connected than ever to the people and cultures on the other side of the world. It creates both an incredible opportunity and also our greatest challenge.


While being connected to the world in ways that has never before been possible it’s very difficult to maintain a purpose and stay focused on what you want for your life. Staying present in the moment and being the best version of yourself is more difficult than ever because we consistently find ways to invalidate our journey through connection to others and the ability to see what other people are up to.

One of my coaches reminded me of a couple of very important ideas: Try not be 30 before you become 30. This brought up a very important idea that I’ve been fighting with in my life experience.

The path towards ones vision is filled with choices and decisions. Waking up each day, we have an opportunity to look within and be all you are. It’s about recognizing the greatness that lies within your current set of circumstances. Being grateful for the moment you’re in and all that you have as well as recognizing that you are becoming who you aspire to be.

Sovereign-Being-1.jpgWhat is the difference between the two.

— Being is the present moment. You cannot “be” someone in the future. You will become someone in the future, but your role in life is BE all you are in this current moment. Step into that picture and own it. Your greatness waits for no one and no thing. It is a part of who you are today in this moment. As you scroll your social media today, do it with intention. Look for evidence of ways you can appreciate yourself and your journey. Look for others to help you in your quest to live your life fully. Don’t worry about becoming as that is the natural part of the journey. As you develop your vision and take intentional action you will eventually become that person you hold inside as the person you aspire to be.

Your only role in life to BE all of who you are today. Step into that role 100% and accept that responsibility. Regardless of the current conditions or circumstances you must continue to live in the present moment as much as possible without fear of the future or regret of the past.

Build your ideal life vision:

  1. If you had all the money, time and people in your life what would you be doing/having.
  2. What are 3 things you are grateful for in this moment. (revisit this one as much as you can/need to – emotion of gratitude is highest vibration)
  3. Look in the mirror and love yourself, for who you are, and also for who you aren’t yet.

We will always be growing, this is the constant in life. In the process of growing it’s important for you to stay in this moment and not let the outside world dictate how you feel or the direction of your life. Let yourself be guided by the internal voice – which is only available to you in the present moment. You will become whoever you most want to be. It will likely be messy and take a path that you least expect but that willl be the constant.

Show up, and BE yourself, without regard to the opinion of others. Thank them for their ideas and move forward with your vision burning brightly as to what you want and who you want to be.

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